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Base 22°
Summit 15°
Trail Conditions Report (Last Updated 3/14/25 6:06AM MDT)
Snow Report
New Snow Since 4:30 PM Base: 2" Lakeview: 2"
Base (6,050')
  • 24 Hours: 3"
  • 48 Hours: 11"
  • 72 Hours: 11"
  • 1 Week: 11"
Lakeview (7,400')
  • 24 Hours: 3"
  • 48 Hours: 11"
  • 72 Hours: 11"
  • 1 Week: 11"
Uphill Travel
green light Open
Snow Depths
  • Base: 79"
  • Lakeview: 117"
  • Summit: 109"
  • Total Season Snowfall (Base): 269"
  • Total Season Snowfall (Lakeview): 296"
Base Area Snow Cam
Base Area Snow Cam
Trails Open
trails icon
Lifts Open
lifts icon
Extended Forecast
  • Thursday Night: 18°
  • Friday: 26°
  • Friday Night: 23°
  • Saturday: 28°
  • Saturday Night: 26°
  • Sunday: 33°
  • Sunday Night: 29°
Closing Day Message from General Manager, Ken Rider

Brundage News &
Mountain Blog

Closing Day Message from General Manager, Ken Rider

Dear Friends of Brundage,
The last few days of any ski season always bring mixed bag of feelings and emotions:
I want one more day…
I can’t wait to ride some single track on my bike…
I want to see green grass…
I wonder when the lake will thaw…
One more powder day, please…
As we stick a fork in the 2020/2021 ski season and look forward to spring and summer, many thoughts rise to the surface.
Through the final week of the season, we have written countless Thank You notes, thanked all of the dedicated team members that make up Team Brundage, had a socially distanced end of season employee ‘Brundie’ Awards ceremony, heard one patroller after the next do their final signoff on their dispatch shift for the season, seen guest after guest take their last turns of the season and heard many, many guests say, “Thank you Team Brundage for making the season happen!”
Now, the entire Brundage Team would like to say thank you to YOU, all of our guests, for helping us get through the season. It wasn’t easy. There were some challenges. It wasn’t always fun. But in the end, we had some great times, we got to ski the Best Snow in Idaho, we had some amazing powder days, some fantastic bluebird sunny spring groomer days and had a ton of fun during this 135 day long ski season…all while keeping the Brundage vibe alive and sharing this all with you!
Thank you to our Team Brundage staff, thank you to our guests and thank you to the entire community for making this season happen. Summer will be here before we know it, and we look forward to seeing you again real soon.
– Ken Rider, GM and the entire Brundage Team

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