Important Notice Regarding Winter Season Closure
Brundage Mountain Resort would like to thank our loyal guests for an incredible season. Closing day for the Winter 2021/22 season is Sunday, April 10th. Brundage will re-open for mountain biking and summer activities mid-June.
We kindly request that guests with locker rentals who wish to clear out their belongings do so before Sunday, April 10th or wait until we re-open in June.
The gate entrance to Brundage Mountain will be closed beginning Monday, April 11th due to construction activity around the resort. Parking and camping on the resort will not be allowed until summer operations begin. Please respect all closure, construction, no trespassing, and private property signage. Day parking is available in the Gordon Titus lot, which may or may not be plowed.
Please also remember that motorized vehicles may not utilize terrain within the entire permit area. Patrol services are not available, and 911 should be called in case of emergency.
We will continue to communicate updates on resort access and open/closed status via our website and blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and newsletter email. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation, and we look forward to seeing you in June!
Questions? Guest Services can be reached at (208) 634-4151, ext. 3 or via email at