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Trail Conditions Report (Last Updated 1/8/25 8:33AM MST)
Snow Report
New Snow Since 4:30 PM Base: -- Lakeview: --
Base (6,050')
  • 24 Hours: 0"
  • 48 Hours: 0"
  • 72 Hours: 4"
  • 1 Week: 14"
Lakeview (7,400')
  • 24 Hours: 0"
  • 48 Hours: 0"
  • 72 Hours: 4"
  • 1 Week: 17"
Uphill Travel
red light Closed
Snow Depths
  • Base: 60"
  • Lakeview: 83"
  • Summit: 75"
  • Total Season Snowfall (Base): 151"
  • Total Season Snowfall (Lakeview): 168"
Base Area Snow Cam
Base Area Snow Cam
Trails Open
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Lifts Open
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Extended Forecast
  • Wednesday: 25°
  • Wednesday Night: 20°
  • Thursday: 28°
  • Thursday Night: 21°
  • Friday: 26°
  • Friday Night: 18°
  • Saturday: 21°
The Greening of Growler

Brundage News &
Mountain Blog

The Greening of Growler


biketrails 055028We’ve been on a roll the last couple years when it comes to adding new features to our bike trails. This year, mountain bikers will see some of the most exciting changes yet.

Improvements over the last few years include new features and a flow track on lower sections of the Hidden Valley trail.

While we’re still adding features to our more advanced trails (more on that later), our big push this year is to create several more miles of trail for beginner mountain bikers to enjoy.

Right now, the 6-mile Elk Trail is our most popular trail because it’s enjoyable for both novice and advanced riders. Now, we’re re-routing and re-building about 5 miles of Growler to create more options for families and those who are newer to the sport.

Before I walk you through the specifics, let’s zoom in on the section of trail we’re talking about. Up to now, Growler has been a blue trail due to some particularly steep pitches and narrow sections that tend to get rutted. This topo map shows how it runs right down Temptation, which our winter visitors are probably familiar with.

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We’re making significant changes to the trail, in order to create a better-flowing ride that all skill levels will find enjoyable.


As you can see from this map, the new trail winds in and out of the wooded areas (as it swings into the green part of the map) and also into open meadows with sweeping views to the south.

To get to Growler, you can start out on Elk Trail, merge onto South Lodge Lane after crossing under the Lakeview Lift, and hook up with the trail here at what we call Temptation Saddle:

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(You can also take Zorro if you are an advanced rider, but most will want to take Lodge Lane until they see this blue sign).

The upper part of Growler has not been re-worked yet, but is still a beautiful ride.

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This weekend, we plan to open a brand new section of trail for those who want a sneak preview. Traffic down growler will be re-routed for this weekend’s riders. While this trail is a bit soft right now,  it should be in top shape by next summer (after it has a chance to ‘winter over’ and set up).

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Our crews are hard at work getting this trail cleared & graded…

biketrails 079024And most importantly, getting it raked smooth.

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Our first trail tester says this section offers a completely new experience: old growth tree stands, wide, smooth, non-technical riding. Once it gets some traffic and some moisture, watch out: it could easily become our most popular trail.

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Gary points the way to the ‘new’ section of trail.

While this section is still a little soft,  the lower part of Growler is good-to-go…and downright GORGEOUS.

biketrails 133019This two-mile stretch is in surprisingly good shape for a new trail. It also offers some stunning views.

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Meadows Valley in the distance

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Granite Mountain in the background

We don’t want to spoil ALL the surprises, but we did want to give you a hint of what you’ll find.

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Great flow…

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Plenty of sunshine…

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And a brand new experience to share with your friends.

– April

P.S. If you’re looking for some more extreme thrills, fear not. We are also adding some new jump and pump features to the bottom of the Hidden Valley trail.

Here’s a sneak peek:

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Check it out this weekend or stay tuned for more photos on the SnowBlog in the weeks ahead. (Why do we call it a SnowBlog in the summer?).




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