Base Area Snow Cam
Elevation: 6050’ - Brundage Base Area. This box will be cleared daily at 4:00 pm. Click image for larger view.
March 27, 2014 - March 28, 2014
Brundage Mountain is celebrating our 24th Annual Winter Games competition with Slalom and GS races for competitors of all ages and abilities. Join us for this Idaho tradition – what a way to spend your Spring Break!
The McCall Winter Sports Club invites all Age Class racers and Recreational League racers (YOB 2000-2008) to participate in the annual Winter Games at Brundage Mountain.
Age Class racers will have a two-run race and the Recreational League category will participate in a one-run race.
Awards will be presented for first through third for Slalom and Giant Slalom in both Age Classes Racers and Recreational Racers.
(Recreational League for awards/Racers for start order)
2000-2001 is the U14 group
2002-2003……….U12 group
2004-2005……….U10 group
2006-2007-2008…U8 group
RACE HEADQUARTERS: The Alpine Racing Center in the Lower Parking Lot.
ENTRIES: All entries are due Tuesday, March 25th at 5:00pm.
ENTRY FEE: Entry fees are $15 for Age Class racers and $10 for Recreational League
racers. Entry is payable online at: http://mccallwintersportsclub.org/winter_games
Once you have paid online no further entry is needed. Online refunds are available if notified by email msrt@frontiernet.net prior to 7:00 am of the race day.
LIFT TICKETS: All lift tickets are payable to Brundage Mountain the morning of the race. $19.00 per day per athlete. The race arena is easily accessible by foot.
COACHES MEETING: None needed. TRS start order will be used for each age class both days. Women U8-U14 followed by Men U8-U14. Reverse order per age class for second run start.
THURSDAY: Giant Slalom on Griz/Badger
FRIDAY: Slalom on Griz/Badger. Stubbie gates 1st run and Mini gates 2nd run for all age classes.
AWARDS: All awards will be presented on Thursday and Friday 1 hour after the race at the BMR Lodge. (approx time 3:15pm). Awards will be 1st-3rd .
BIBS: $20.00 per lost bib.
CHIEF OF RACE: Chuck Harris (katandchuck@frontiernet.net) 208-630-4884