Base Area Snow Cam
Elevation: 6050’ - Brundage Base Area. This box will be cleared daily at 4:00 pm. Click image for larger view.
March 21, 2014 @ 9:30 am - March 23, 2014 @ 4:30 pm
The Airbag is back to kick off Spring Break!
Practice your favorite tricks or feel what it’s like to catch BIG air for the first time. The landings are always soft when the U.S. Airbag tour visits Brundage Mountain – Friday March 21 through Sunday March 23, 2014.
Here are some video highlights from last year’s event:
This year, the bag will be in operation from 9:30 – 4:30 each day. Those using the airbag must have a valid Brundage lift ticket or season pass and will be required to sign a liability waiver prior to jumping.
1 jump for $10
3 jumps for $15
10 jumps for $30
Airbag lift tickets will be available for purchase the days of the event at the Brundage Mountain lift ticket window and Guest Services.
Pre-purchase your airbag tickets on-line and save 20% using Promo Code: BRUNDO. Discount available through March 20.
You can pre-purchase your tickets online here.