Base Area Snow Cam
Elevation: 6050’ - Brundage Base Area. This box will be cleared daily at 4:00 pm. Click image for larger view.
June 7, 2014 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Hiring managers will be on site to discuss the responsibilities of each summer position and talk to candidates about hours, wages and benefits.
Employees who complete the 2014 Summer season will earn their individual 14-15 Winter Season pass in addition to a summer lift pass.
Follow this link for a look at the available positions in Food & Beverage, Catering, Mountain Biking and in the Kid’s Center.
Saturday, June 7 from 10 am – 12 noon At the Alpine Village Sales office in Downtown McCall.
600 N. 3rd Street (Formerly known as Bryan’s Burger Den)