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Trail Conditions Report (Last Updated 6/29/24 4:16PM MDT)

Downhill trails are strictly downhill travel only, no hiking allowed.

  • Upper Elk Trail: OPEN
  • Middle Elk Trail: OPEN
  • Lower Elk Trail: OPEN
  • Wildcat: OPEN
  • Grouse: OPEN
  • High Voltage: OPEN
  • Lower Hidden Valley: OPEN
  • Upper Hidden Valley: OPEN
  • Zorro: OPEN

All XC Bike Trails are also open to Hikers. Please Be Aware of Other Users.

  • Greenhorn: OPEN (leashed dogs OK)
  • Hammerhead: OPEN (leashed dogs OK)
  • Roller Coaster: OPEN
  • Thorn Creek: OPEN (leashed dogs OK)
  • Growler: OPEN
  • Lakeview Vista: OPEN
  • Rock Garden: OPEN
  • Baby Bear: CLOSED (Rebuild)
  • Black Bear: CLOSED (Rebuild)

Closed-toe shoes recommended! There are currently no dog friendly trails open.

  • Hidden Valley Overlook: OPEN
  • Lookout Trail: CLOSED (Under Construction)
  • Cat Track (Mountain Road): OPEN

10AM - 4:30PM

  • Bluebird Express OPEN

The Easy Street 9 is available for preview play. Signage and course maintenance are on-going. Please use UDISC App to navigate the course.

  • Easy Street 9 OPEN
Extended Forecast
  • This Afternoon: 82°
  • Tonight: 58°
  • Tuesday: 83°
  • Tuesday Night: 63°
  • Wednesday: 84°
  • Wednesday Night: 63°
  • Thursday: 87°
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